Anne's Song

Dearest Alan,

Oceans of words cannot express the profound sense of loss we, the friends and loved ones of your beautiful wife, Anne, feel for her sudden passing. Volumes cannot contain the love we have and hold for Anne, for you, and for your family. Our hearts ache to breaking for your loss. Anne will always be close by and healing will come, but that is no substitute for her physical presence. So Alan, know that we are by your side, with you and your sons and their families, through your grief and healing.

My wish is for you to find and feel our deep love in "Anne's Song." And for all who are grieving with you, all those bound to you by her love, I wish you peace and communion with Anne as we all take a moment to immerse ourselves in this walk among the natural beauty of her home. For those who have called Wyomissing home, you will recognize our beautiful park as we fill our hearts to overflowing with Anne's love.

With deepest love and gratitude for Anne's heart-centered life, we are, all of us, your most beloved friends and, truly, family.


Anne P. Seltzer
Forever in our hearts
December 21, 2016
Cardinals appear when angels are near