“When it comes, write it down.You don’t get a second chance.”
A fleeting thought, like a wisp of magic dust
from the wave of a wand,
swells into a cloud of impression.
Quick! Grab it before the wind of distraction
scatters it among thoughts before and hence.
Where do they go? What is their purpose?
To be captured? Considered? Acted upon?
Or do they have a mission beyond their words,
held in the fog of vague recollection?
Perhaps they'll whisper later to get our attention.
To deliver another message.
"Open your eyes. Be aware. Wake up!
Time isn't flying. You are.
Land. Listen. Look around.
Take it all in.
Every. Delicious. Morsel."
- Carl Godlove
November 21, 2015
Our inner voice competes with distraction. But every now and then, it speaks above the chatter. What do you do then? Do you pause, listen with your heart, and capture the thought? Do you then act, if it calls you to action? Or do you dismiss it and release it to mingle in that "fog of vague recollection" with every other passing thought?
Do you routinely give that voice a chance to speak softly and clearly without competing with the noise in your life? Do you give it what it needs to give you what you need? If you received $1,440 every day and were instructed to invest $40 daily to change your life, would you do it? This is what your inner voice requires. It requires an investment. Every day you are freely given 1,440 minutes. A 20 minute investment in meditation followed by a 20 minute investment in journaling can change your life. Are you willing to do that?
We come into this life journey fully equipped. Sometimes we just have to be reminded. Answers to every question you have can be found by softening, opening, listening and receiving. Today is a good day to start.